Information in English

Bogin- a Medicines for Europe member - is the Dutch generic and Biosimilar medicines association. Bogin was founded in 1987 and has seven members (generic manufacturers): Aurobindo, Centrafarm, Disphar International, PharmaMatch BV, Sandoz, TEVA Pharmachemie and Viatris.

Bogin represents its members in committees, at meetings and many networking activities. The Association stimulates quality systems and codes of conduct regarding medicines and strives to strengthen the market position of its members. Bogin focuses on stimulating free pricing and influencing national and European regulatory systems.

The office of Bogin is located in The Hague, the political centre of The Netherlands.



Office address
Prinses Beatrixlaan 582
Den Haag
The Netherlands


Postal address 
Prinses Margrietplantsoen 33
2595 AM Den Haag
The Netherlands


New phonenumber
December 1st 2020
t +31 (0)85 007 41 68


drs. Jean Hermans (Chairman Bogin)